effect of human resource capacity building on service delivery in local government in rwanda: case study of karongi district (rubengera & rugabano sectors). 2016-2018


The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of human resource capacity building on service delivery in local government in Rwanda with special reference to Karongi District. The specific objectives were to establish how employees perceive human resource capacity building programs; to assess the quality of service delivery and satisfaction of customers and determine the effects of human resource capacity building on service delivery in local government in Karongi District. The study was guided by human capital theory. Descriptive survey design using quantitative approach was adopted. The target population was 79 employees from Karongi District and Rubengera and Rugabano Sectors from which a sample of 79 employees and 126 customer respondents was selected using purposive, systematic and convenience sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaires and analysed through descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages and inferential statistics using t-student tests and was presented using tables and graphs. From the study findings, all employees 100% have undergone human resource capacity building programs as indicated by; good quality (55.2%), effective (80.6%) focus areas: customer service (43.3%) and office operations (17.9%). Various capacity building approaches were used including; coaching (83.6%), orientation (71.6%) and workshops (55.2%) towards improving service delivery and (69.0%) of customers perceived the service delivery as good and (68.1%) of customers were satisfied with the service delivery. It was also revealed that customer satisfaction with service delivery varied with their background characteristics where young were more satisfied than old customers, single more satisfied than widowers, farmers more satisfied than civil servants and customers seeking service from land service were more satisfied than those seeking service For Ubudehe appeals. The employees were perceived by customers as courteous and professionals (71.5%), attentive (75.4%) and willing to help customers (66.7%). The study also revealed that human resource capacity building has affected customer service delivery in local government in Karongi district to great extent as shown by (89.6%) of employee respondents. The study indicated that human resource capacity building has enabled employees improve their knowledge and skills, problem solving skills, clear responsibilities, professional attitudes towards customers. Finally, recommendations on human resource capacity building for continuing better customer service delivery were recommendations.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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