the effectiveness of local entities to citizens’complaints resolution. case study of rulindo district


This study aimed at finding out the root causes of dissatisfaction of citizens as one among factors that make people presenting their complaints to the high level authorities while they would have been resolved at local level through existing complaints handling mechanisms in Rwanda. The main objective of this research is to analyze how deeply local leaders handle citizens‟ complaints and to identify challenges which constrain those authorities while accomplishing their responsibilities. The methodology used to conduct this study was qualitative research where functional category based method employed to select respondents. Interviews and focus group discussion were conducted in order to collect data from respondents. The data was collected in Kinyarwanda language, transcribed and then translated into English as a research language. Coding system was applied to identify responses from individual interview and focus group participants. The study found that the dissatisfaction is due to the lack of trust among citizens to their closest leaders, getting responses which are different from the expectations and behaviors of both service providers and customers. However, citizens may also prefer to address their concerns to high rank authority hoping to get direct solution even though the claims require extra-means. The study proved that citizens recognize the existing complaints handling forums and their effectiveness in responding to the requests of people but those forums are not efficiently implemented. According to the challenges, the research sorted out the lack of equipments, financial means and insufficient number of staff as barriers to the performance in lower entities. Despite many responsibilities, the study recommended local authorities to avail enough time and listen carefully complaints, handle them effectively aiming to satisfying aspirations of complainers and involve citizens themselves and other stakeholders in the process of handling complaints. Central government is recommended to empower local entities financially, in capacity building, augmentation the number of the staffs in order to help them to perform their duties.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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