the analysis of vision 2020 umurenge program as one of government strategies to eradicate extreme poverty in rwanda: case study of karama sector, in huye district (2016-2018)


VUP is one of the Rwandan governmental strategies that established to eradicate extreme poverty within the country to all Rwandan without any discrimination. The study was conducted to the VUP beneficiaries in Karama sector, Huye district in Southern province of Rwanda.This research has the general objective of exploring the contribution of Vision Umurenge Program as one of the strategies used by the government to eradicate extreme poverty. The general questions of the study was to state the contribution of Vision Umurenge Program in eradicating the extreme poverty in Karama sector. The researcher used both descriptive and historical comparative method which helped him use percentages in the cross tabulation, and describes the background information of respondents and making comparative analysis of their life vis a vis the life they lived before being VUP beneficiaries. The researcher used interviews, questionnaires and documentation; the beneficiaries were selected randomly but focusing on the experiences and the information they have. The sample size of the study was 348 people taken from 2685 beneficiaries of VUP in Karama sector. After the data collection, the data were analyzed qualitatively helped the research to reach the conclusion and recommendation. The findings of the research showed that there is a big and pleased contribution of VUP in eradicating extreme poverty in Karama sector, through the comparison of the current lives of the beneficiaries with the life before, 90% of the respondent showed the great positive changes such as access to bank credits; education, health insurance and their social status as most of them became active participants in the community development. 78% has small animals such as goats, pigs while 45% own cows which helped them in the agricultural production increase through the use of manure. Despite the above positive impact, there was noted some challenges like corruption during selection of beneficiaries, delay in payment, lucky of serious follow-up, insufficient earnings especially in family which has a size of one person when he/she is a beneficiary of direct support. Although these challenges, VUP has played a big role in eradication of extreme poverty to its beneficiaries in Karama sector. The study gives the recommendations to different stakeholders such as government officials, civil society organizations and beneficiaries.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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