gender based violence against men and its socioeconomic effects on household in rwanda. case study of kicukiro district- gahanga sector


In Rwandan family gender-based violence against men cover the discrimination based on one’s sex, imbalance in power in the decision-making aspect, labor division without justification; abuse in terms of beating and other forms of violence physically; deprivations in economic terms, humiliation, insults, killings and intimidations (UMURERWA, 2015). The thesis entitled “Gender Based Violence against Men and its Socioeconomic Effects on Household in Rwanda. Case study of KICUKIRO District GAHANGA Sector” The general objective of this work was to assess socio-economic effects of gender-based violence against men on household in Rwanda. From the general objective, the following specific objectives were formulated: to find out perceptions of men on gender based violence against them in their daily lives, to assess forms of gender based violence against men in their households, to analyze how Gender Based Violence against men affect socioeconomically the household in Rwanda and to analyze ways to alleviate and prevent the GBV against men in Rwandan family. To achieve those objectives, the data was collected from a sample of 97 men selected in GAHANGA Sector. The techniques used in data collection include documentation, focused group discussions to note narratives of participants and interview. According to analysis and interpretation of data, it was found that there is gender-based violence against men in Rwandan family as confirmed by the majority of respondents. The study found that GBV against men varies in different forms like sexual violence, social violence, physical violence, psychological violence and economic violence. Furthermore sexually transmitted diseases including HIV; death and loss of body parts; poverty and other economic problems; trauma and other psychological problems; marital dissolutions and family conflict in the family; spousal suicide culture in the community and lack of education for children are social and economic effects of GBV in Rwandan family. The strategies include to promote gender equality and prevent GBV in education sector; to strengthen understanding of gender and positive norms; to mobilize government and media to GBV against men; to improve coordination and messaging on GBV against men; to reduce vulnerability of most at risk groups to GBV, provide comprehensive services to victims of GBV and improve accountability and eliminate impunity for GBV. All objectives were achieved.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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