the role of administrative decentralization in promoting good governance case study: runda sector, kamonyi district


The work entitled “the role of Administrative decentralization in promoting good governance case study: Runda sector, Kamonyi district” was conducted for assessing the validity of three specific objectives such as: to assess how administrative decentralization is implemented in Runda Sector; to evaluate the role made by implementation of administrative decentralization in promoting good governance in Runda sector, Kamonyi District; and to identify challenges facing administrative decentralization implementation and to good governance in Runda sector, Kamonyi District. This study is survey, descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative design. The study used both primary data and secondary data. 252 sampled heads of households in Runda sector (who have any position in local communities) and 9 local leaders (6 cells executives and 3 staffs from sector office) were visited and interviewed to obtain primary data. Data were collected using questionnaire, group interview and documentation. Analysis of data was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) and results obtained were presented in form of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Assessment of the 1st study objectives resulted that, Administrative decentralization is well implemented in Runda sector where authorities respect laws, accept population participation, apply transparency (the lowest mean was 3.17 which falls in category and the highest mean is 4.21 which belong in category of very High Mean). For the 2nd objective assessment, the findings show that there are positive changes in governance brought by Administrative decentralization (the lowest mean was 2.87 which in category of not sure and the highest mean is 4.09 which is high category). While the assessment of the 3rd objective has identified several challenges where the dominant is lack of fund on local government level followed by inefficient communication while leaders fail to send explanative message to citizens. Based on the study findings, the researcher recommends local leaders to ensure that citizens are served equally, communicated to all government policies and plan on time and to work as possible to solve citizens’ complaints rather than transferring them except for these requiring high level decisions.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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