assessment of the limitations of vision 2020 umurenge program (vup) to uplift socio-economic status of the poor people in kayonza district. case study of vup in nyamirama sector, 2008-2018.


The government of Rwanda initiated and adopted pro-people Home-Grown Initiatives in order to reduce poverty and uplift significantly the socio-economic status of Rwandan citizens. Those home-grown solutions included among others; Vision 2020 Umurenge Program (VUP). VUP is a large scale social protection program which is government owned and led. VUP was launched in 2008 with 3 components: Direct Support, Public Works and Financial Services. In Kayonza district, VUP started in Nyamirama sector as a pilot. Data from VUP unit in Kayonza district show that since 2008 Nyamirama sector received Rwf 977,993,079 and this amount was utilized for VUP. However, despite those millions of money injected in to reduce poverty, Nyamirama Sector is still characterised by poverty, and among the poorest sectors in Kayonza district. This study was undertaken to determine the limitations of VUP to contribute to sustainable graduation from poverty. The main objective of the study was to determine the factors hindering VUP to contribute to sustainable graduation of its beneficiaries. The study was predominately of descriptive research design. The target population for this study were all VUP beneficiaries from 2008. Using Coheran formula, a sample size of 98 respondents was selected. Systematic and purposive sampling methods were used. The triangulation of data collection techniques was used to collect data. Based on some indicators, such as income, source of income, food intake, assets possession etc. the findings showed no significant contribution of VUP to change poverty status in which beneficiaries were in before VUP support. However, compared with previous findings from other researches on VUP, it was revealed that the findings of the research are specific and only applicable to Nyamirama sector. Factors causative to poor contribution of VUP program in Nyamirama sector were analysed:(i) Beneficiary-specific factors, such as general illiteracy (ignorance), financial illiteracy; (ii) Community-specific factors (culture of having many children); (iii) VUP program-specific factors, such as .insufficient support, delays of payment, short duration of public works and delays in approving and giving VUP loans; (iv) Market and climate changes-specific factors (Food inflation and draught).Another non-negligible factor is the fact that Nyamirama sector was the poorest sector and pilot sector. Considering the findings of the research, recommendations were made: increase VUP support, reduce delays in payment, increase wage per day and duration of VUP/PW and regular training and sensitization of VUP beneficiaries on profitable use of VUP support.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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