irondo ry’umwuga’’and crime prevention: a case study of gahanga sector in kicukiro distict


The main purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of Professional night patrols in crime prevention in Gahanga Sector. This research study had three specific objectives: To examine the contribution of professional night patrols to crime prevention in Gahanga Sector; to assess the challenges facing effective professional night patrols in Gahanga Sector; and to identify measures to address the challenges facing night patrols in Gahanga Sector. The importance of community night patrols in crime prevention has been embraced by communities and security organs as a suitable solution for crime problems. This security community-led alternative/approach gained its success since security institutions and governments realized that law enforcement alone cannot reduce crime without involving communities. The study helped the researcher improve on the knowledge about effectiveness of community night patrols/irondo ry’umwuga in crime prevention and provides insight into the effectiveness and challenges facing community night patrols in Ghanga sector. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods, and participants such as citizens, local leaders and security members operating in Gahanga Sector were randomly and purposively selected. Data were collected using self administered questionnaires and interview guide. Key findings show that Gahanga community night patrols did not contributed to crime prevention due various factors including delay in payment, poor collaboration and lack of public trust, Limited understanding of the concept of professional night patrols by the residents among others. The information collected and analyzed will help other researchers in the above area; to Gahanga Sector, the recommendations will help it to improve on its general crime prevention.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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