the effects of teenage pregnancy on the family socio-economic development in rwanda. a case study of nyamagabe district 2017-2019


This study entitled “The effects of teenage pregnancy on the family socio-economic development in Rwanda, a Case study of Nyamagabe District, 2016-2019” has the purpose to find out the effects of teenage pregnancy on the family socio-economic development in Rwandan society. The study research questions were: What are the causes of teenage pregnancy among 15-19 years in Nyamagabe District? To what extent the teenage pregnancy affects family socio-economic development in Nyamagabe District? and What are the strategies to deal with the effects of teenage pregnancy on family socio-economic development in Nyamagabe District? In order to respond to these questions, the research used the quantitative research design. The total population was 834 and sample size was 108 including 89 young mothers (deliveries under 19 years). Questionnaire and interview have been used to collect data. In order to analyze data, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16.0 was used. For the findings, 22% of respondents strongly agreed whilst 66% agreed the proposed causes of teenage pregnancy such as poverty, experimenting sex, single parenting, broken homes, peer influence, street hawking, ignorance of the use of contraceptives, lack of sex education, early sexual debut, sexual exploitation by relatives/ acquaintances, lack of moral education and exposure to pornographic films. The researcher noted that under these causes, there are other causes highlighted by respondents especially living alone, drugs and alcohol. Findings revealed that the teenage pregnancy causes the social effects to young mothers notably stopping schooling (100%) and early marriage (100%), stay single or unmarried (100%), risk of HIV/ AIDS contamination (75.3%), forced to work for a wage (85.4%), unemployment (1.76 of mean), and economic effects like poverty (1.65 of mean), lack of income (1.67 of mean) and lack of saving (1.6 of mean). Findings revealed the strategies to contribute in overcoming the effects caused by teenage pregnancy such as utilization of contraceptives (97.8%), sexual education (93.3%), effective control of parents (91.0%), provision of child basic needs (88.8%), good relationship between parent and children and the counseling (87.6%). The researcher evidenced that the teenage pregnancy has effects on social and economic development and it is very significant to know what factors of teenage pregnancy in Nyamagabe District so that the adequate strategies can be taken in order to overcome those effects.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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