developing a library and information services policy for cavendish university uganda library


The study aimed at developing a library and information services policy for Cavendish University Uganda (CUU) Library. The objectives of the study were to; identify the needs of users at Cavendish University library, identify the types of services offered by Cavendish University library to users, examine how library services are offered to users at Cavendish University library, find out the challenges in offering library services at Cavendish University library, and develop a library and information services policy for Cavendish University library. The study used a case study research design while adopting a qualitative research approach in presenting the data. The sample size comprised of 60 students, 2 lecturers and 6 librarians making a total of 68 respondents who were expected to participate in the study at CUU Library. The data collection methods used were; questionnaires, interviews and observation methods. The researcher used questionnaires, interview guides, and the observation guides were used in data collection necessary in designing a library management system. The research findings established that users of CUU Library have different needs which include; accessing reading space, research needs, spending leisure, to complete their reports, read for exams and to access internet. The services accessed by the library users were; library orientation, circulation services, scanning and printing, reference service, and exhibition and display among others. The findings also revealed that there is a number of challenges faced in provision of library services which include; limited communication channels, failure for students to return information materials on the specified time, few library staff, inadequate funds, inadequate computers in the library, inadequate storage space, and inadequate reading room. The various suggestions put across to promote on the provision of library services were; developing a policy for provision of library services, employing more qualified staff, providing more space for reading, allocating enough funds to the library, and provision of more computers and fast internet in the library. The study concluded that there is need for a library and information services policy to help the library staff on the provision of library services in the library. The recommendations of the study were; implementation of a library and information services policy, promoting a library as a learning center, need for more effective methods to offer services, user education programs, need for a written code of ethics in the library, and displaying new books.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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