Sustainable Provision of Digital Information Systems and Services in Academic Libraries A Case of the University of Nairobi Library System


Library services have been a crucial part of libraries since time immemorial. Their significance is progressively becoming a yardstick of the library’s involvement to in the development and transformation of the society, community and the nation at large. Developments such as Internet, digital library, electronic journals, and online databases have changed the way libraries function today. The introduction of digital information has added a new dimension in provision of digital information services within academic libraries. The purpose of the study was to investigate sustainable provision of digital information services at the University’ of Nairobi library system The study was guided by the following objectives: to identify- the digital information services that are offered by the library, to find out whether the digital information services are sustainable; to identify the challenges faced by the libraries in enhancing sustainable provision of digital information services: to fmd solutions to the challenges faced in provision of sustainable digital information services. The study used descriptive research design. The sampling technique applied to arrive at the target population was census sampling method and purposive sampling technique. Data for the research were collected by use questionnaires and document review. The findings showed that the respondents were aware of the existence of digital information resources and services. The study further established that a majority of respondents were not well versed with matters regarding environmental sustainability. The study further established that both the library staff irrespective of their positions and MLIS students got some training regarding digital information services. The following recommendations were made: in order to ensure that the library staff and post graduate students are prepared to address the issue of social and environmental sustainability, the library management and MLIS department should embark on creating awareness about these issues. Libraries subscribe to information resources that are rarely used by the clientele. The library should formulate strategies to enhance social sustainability of digital information resources and services. The study will be useful to librarians and university administration in policy formulation.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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