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lugha katika katiba ya kenya: ujitokezaji wake katika utangazaji wa janga la uviko-19
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: kiswahili
Author: mauti, gladys m
Safari ya kukamilisha utafiti huu ilikuwa na changamoto si haba, ila nashukuru kwa ushauri, maelekezo na mawazo ya watu mbalimbali. Mchango wao mkubwa ulipunguza changamoto ambazo zilihusiana na utafiti huu. Natoa shukrani zangu kwa Mungu kwa neema yake katika kipindi hiki cha shahada ya uzamili na kuniwezesha kuikamilisha. Kwa neema ya Mungu tuliweza kuikamilisha tasnifu hii. Ningependa kuwashukuru wasimamizi wangu, Dkt. Mukhwana na Prof. Iribe Mwangi kwa kujitolea kwao kusoma na kunipa marekebisho yaliyonifaa si haba katika kukamilisha kazi hii. Walijitolea kwa hali na mali kunielekeza ipasavyo. Walinihudumia kila nilipowahitaji ingawa walikuwa na majukumu si haba chuoni na katika familia zao. Nawashukuru kwa mawaidha na maelekezo yao ya kitaaluma ambayo yalinifaa. Mungu awabariki na awaongezee hekima. Nawashukuru watoto wangu, Javan Miruka, Nethanel Nyangoto na Shanezah Sarange kwa kunivumilia kipindi cha utafiti wangu. Nililazimika kushughulikia utafiti wangu na kuwanyima nafasi ya kutangamana nao hata wakati wa usiku. Nawashukuru ndugu zangu kwa kusimama nami katika kipindi cha utafiti huu. Vile, siwezi kuwasahau rafiki zangu kama vile Ruth Binyanya na Dorca Getonto kwa kunipa moyo hata wakati nilikuwa nimekosa tumaini la kukamilisha tasnifu yangu. Mungu awabariki. Siwezi kuwasahau pia Hellen Bitutu, Ben Nyang’ate, Vanesa Nyang’arisa, Diana Bosibori , Nixon Ntabo na Yvonne sarange kwa msaada wao. Nawatakia maisha mema.
factors affecting enrollment and dropout rate in adult education programs in kenya: a case study of kajiado north sub-county, kajiado county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: development studies
Author: kinyua, gladys w
The goal of the study was to identify the factors that contribute to enrolment and dropout rate in adult education programme in Kenya's Kajiado North Sub-county. The specific research questions were: What is the dropout rate in adult education programs in Kajiado North Sub County? What is the completion rate in adult education programs in Kajiado North Sub County? What factors explain the enrollment and the dropout rate of adult education learners in Kajiado North Sub County? Descriptive research design was employed in the study. The target population for the study consisted of adult education students. A random sample of 60 respondents was selected. Data from the survey of adult learners was supplemented with qualitative information from adult education teachers. Descriptive analysis and thematic analysis were used to analyse the data. According to the survey, adult education student enrolment levels have been on the decline, particularly between 2018 and 2020. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the enrolment rate in 2020 was significantly lower than in previous years. The majority of adults engage in adult education courses in order to improve their life by learning new things and pursuing their aspirations to become better persons in the future. Others signed up for the adult education program because they missed out on the opportunity while they were younger and wanted to empower themselves through education. Financial difficulties, loss of jobs, lack of family support, and juggling family obligations with academic requirements were the main causes of dropouts. The study recommends that all the stakeholders in adult education should encourage adults to enroll by creating a conducive and enabling learning environment in all learning centers.
the influence of political party marketing on electoral outcome in kenya: a case study of nairobi city county
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: political science
Author: omondi, geoffrey n
Elections have been the main mechanism through which contemporary representative democracy has operated, and leaders anywhere tend to use the popular vote to accomplish a standard of political legitimacy. But to get this legitimacy, leaders first have to go through a process of intense political mobilization and lobbying with an aim of marketing themselves and their parties. This study sought to establish the influence of political party marketing on electoral outcome in Nairobi City County with a keen focus on Lang’ata and Makadara constituencies. The study adopted the mobilization theory and used a descriptive research design. The population of the study consisted of voters, party officials, and campaign managers of members of parliament. A questionnaire was employed as a data collection instrument where 96 respondents were interviewed. The data collected was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23.0). The analysis revealed three things, a) voters, especially the young ones, are more inclined to vote for politicians or political parties that carried out extensive political party advertising in the period leading to the general election. b) there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between the political campaign budgets and the electoral outcome. c) political rallies play a big role in swaying voters more so the undecided ones and the more you have these rallies the better. The study concluded that even though the influence of political party marketing is difficult to scientifically quantify, at least one set of regular political rallies, party advertising, and higher campaign budget usually have a measurable effect on electoral outcome. The study recommends that more scientific studies should be done to determine the actual and the longevity of the effect.
influence of national hospital insurance fund on access to healthcare in kenya: a case study of nairobi county
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: public policy
Author: diang'a, shem
The study focused on the primary objective which was to investigate influence of National Hospital Insurance Fund on access to healthcare in Kenya. The specific three objectives were to establish the influence of National Hospital Insurance Fund policy choices by members on access to healthcare in Kenya, to assess the contribution of various National Hospital Insurance Fund policy products on access to healthcare in Kenya, to investigate National Hospital Insurance Fund policy implementation challenges impeding universal access to healthcare in Kenya. The mixed methodology design was adopted and was used to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to enter and analyze data from the participants and respondents drawn from the National Hospital Insurance Fund administrators and members of National Hospital Insurance Fund. The findings showed that National Hospital Insurance Fund policy choices by members, National Hospital Insurance Fund policy products and National Hospital Insurance Fund policy implementation challenges have significant influence on access to healthcare. The conclusion of the study was that members of National Hospital Insurance Fund were satisfied with the policy choices available, and the policy products provided compared to when they were not members even though the coverage was not comprehensive in all categories available, and the study acknowledged that there were challenges affecting implementation of National Hospital Insurance Fund. The studies recommended that National Hospital Insurance Fund to strengthen its choices and products covered and communicate appropriately to ensure that members have their coverage extended to comprehensive level. The study also recommended further examination on National Hospital Insurance Fund policy through a public process on mechanisms to ensure zero defaults and that every Kenyan becomes a subscriber by focusing on reviewing of terms and conditions and studies on National Hospital Insurance Fund should be carried out on role of other factors such as the culture and religion on National Health Insurance.
representation of the disabled in the media: a study of beyond the limit tv programme
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: communication studies
Author: mburu, stephen n
This study seeks to examine how Beyond The Limit weekly TV magazine reports on disabilityrelated issues and Persons Living With Disability (PLWDs) in Kenya. Agenda setting and framing theories suggest that TV viewers are affected by the content they consume and this could lead to creation of stereotypes, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes on various issues. This study uses qualitative research method with the population being Beyond The Limit TV program. Nonprobability purposive sampling was adopted as the sampling technique and a sample size of 6 months ranging from July 2021 to December 2021. These months account when most disability activities are marked both at national and international level. Narrative analysis was conducted on the data and presented in words. Findings showed that the program employs use of code-switching, that is, use of multiple languages that include English, Kiswahili, Kenyan Sign Language and even part of sheng. This is due to the youthful audience the TV47 has. However, much needs to be done to include a PLWDs as a host to show inclusivity. Conclusions drawn from this study show that Beyond The Limit TV program revolved around PLWDs and gave them a chance to air their plights and concerns. This has contributed towards having positive experiences in the society where PLWDs are treated equally through change of negative perception and attitude. This study recommends that Beyond The Limit TV program should make its content more accessible. Sign language interpreters and subtitles should be used exhaustively to reach a wider audience. This study is purposed to add to existing literature on media representation on PLWDs and disability issues in their effort to strike balance in their journalistic practice.
influence of devolution on public service delivery: a case of samburu county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: administration
Author: lelegwe, steve l
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of devolution on public service delivery in Samburu County. The study was guided by three research questions namely: what is the influence of devolution on effective service delivery in Samburu County? What is the influence of devolved public services on effective service delivery in Samburu County? what is the influence of citizen participation on effective service delivery in Samburu County? and finally, what is the influence of self-governance on effective service delivery in Samburu County? This study used quantitative research methods, while the population constituted county executive, county assembly and village units. Two-step sampling technique was applied starting with stratified sampling followed by simple random sampling to identify the sample units. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Data collected was analyzed to obtain both descriptive and inferential statistics. To test the significance of the influence the independent variables on the dependent variable, hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study show that devolution has significantly impacted effectiveness on service delivery in Samburu County (F(1, 102) = 81.384, p <.000), and that citizen participation significantly predicts effective public service delivery in Samburu County (F(1, 102) = 52.25, p <.000). Further, that a unit increase in citizen participation leads to an increase in effective selfgovernance as enshrined in the constitution has had positive influence on service delivery. It is inferred that devolution has continued to effectiveness in service delivery through self-governance by involving locals in service needs albert some deficiency in skills set and knowledge. The study recommends that devolution should be sustained and that the government of Samburu County should continue to involve the locals, while enhancing their skills in project management, planning and budgeting. In doing this, the county government should embrace decentralized planning approaches, while embracing public private partnership wherein all stakeholders that provide services to the county government are involved. This way all stakeholders will be obligated to be effective partners in the service delivery to the benefit all residents which will not only enhance effectiveness in service delivery but all efficiency in the delivery
tamaa na athari zake katika jamii: ulinganishi wa ua la faraja na paradiso
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: kiswahili
Author: akong’o, thomas o
Katika tasnifu hii, tumeshughulikia tamaa na athari zake katika jamii: ulinganishi wa Ua la Faraja ya W. E. Mkufya (2008) na Paradiso ya J. Habwe (2014). Tumetumia nadharia ya maadili kuhakiki kazi hizi. Tasnifu hii yetu ina sura tano. Katika sura ya kwanza, tumeeleza sehemu kama usuli wa utafiti, sababu za kushughulikia mada hii, upeo na mipaka ya utafiti, maswali ya utafitii, malengo ya utafiti, tatizo la utafiti, yaliyoandikwa kuhusu mada, nadharia ya maadili iliyotumiwa kuhakiki kazi hizi na mbinu za utafiti. Katika sura ya pili, tumeshughulikia lengo la kwanza, namna dhamira ya tamaa imekuzwa na kuendelezwa katika riwaya hizi Katika sura ya tatu tumebainisha athari zinazotokana na tamaa na ambazo zinaikumba jamii katika kazi hizi mbili. Vilevile, katika sura ya nne, tumebainisha ushauri uliopendekezwa katika riwaya zote mbili ili kukabiliana na tamaa na athari zake katika jamii. Sura ya tano inaeleza kuhusu matokeo ya utafiti pamoja na mapendekezo kuhusu utafiti huu. Mwisho kuna marejeleo ya utafiti huu
assessing the contribution of participatory communication in the fight against female genital mutilation among the marakwet community
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: jounarlism
Author: cheruiyot, timothy k
The Kenyan government has set 2022 as the timeframe for abolishing female genital mutilation across the country. The findings of this study might be used to improve existing communication approaches, therefore supporting policymakers and other interested parties in achieving this goal. This research aimed to see how effective participatory communication was in the Marakwet community's effort to end female genital mutilation (FGM). The study's overarching goals were to (1) identify the participatory communication techniques used in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM), (2) examine the implementation of these approaches, and (3) identify the obstacles encountered by the participatory communication techniques used in the fight against FGM. The purpose of this study was to undertake descriptive research using the notion of citizen involvement as a guide. Three hundred ninety-four respondents and 4 key informants were used to collect primary data from a total population of 97,041, including Marakwet East Sub County, where female genital mutilation (FGM) is still prevalent. A simple random sample was used to collect data from neighbourhood residents, while selective sampling was used to get data from the four informants. We distributed questionnaires and conducted in-person interviews to collect important data. The study's findings were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches and SPSS. Community dialogues, education and training, empowerment, community mobilization, and advocacy were identified as the five most effective modalities of participatory action utilized by the Marakwet community to address female genital mutilation (FGM). Furthermore, competence development promotes social cohesion. This leads to entertainment education via school clubs, music and theatre festivals, door-to-door campaigns, sensitization conferences, outreach initiatives through roadshows, and social mobilization, all to capture the public's attention. The approaches were also helpful in various other areas, such as environmental preservation, peace promotion, various health initiatives (such as eradicating HIV/AIDS and other illnesses like Malaria), and the reduction of cattle rustling. In the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM), there was a contradiction since many community members, especially males, thought that certain participation strategies did not ultimately involve them and that all efforts were focused on girls and women rather than boys and men. As a result of the research, it was advised that the government conduct training and sensitizations for the elderly, both men and women, about the need to quit the habit and focusing on other vital activities. It was also suggested that the national government, chiefs, and village officials meet regularly to discuss FGM and other region-specific issues.
security strategies used by gated communities in enhancing residential security: a case study of kitengela township in kajiado county, kenya
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: security studies
Author: tarichia, timothy m
Gated communities have emerged to be the preferred residential choice for many home buyers both globally and locally. These communities provide safety, privacy, and prestige to the residents due to their enhanced security and logistical management systems. The prevailing global economic circumstances coupled with changing career dynamics such as economic restructuring, international terrorism, crime, and immigration have been central in identifying residential areas for most people. This study focused on determining the strategies used by gated communities to enhance residential security in Kitengela Township. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the reasons why people prefer to reside in gated communities within Kitengela Township, to determine how the security control features used by the gated communities help in enhancing residential security within Kitengela Township, to establish how the use of private security guards helps in enhancing residential security within Kitengela Township, and to identify some of the key challenges faced by gated communities in their efforts to enhance residential security within Kitengela Township. The study adopted the defensible space theory. The research applied a multistage sampling procedure and proportionate stratified random sampling technique to select four gated communities in Kitengela Township and a sample size of 97 consisting of 95 residents, 1 Police Commander of Kitengela Police station and 1 area chief. The research used an interview guide and a questionnaire to collect data from the respondents with the help of two research assistants. Quantitative analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 and excel softwares while content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Quantitative results were presented by the use of charts, graphs and tables in percentages, mean and standard deviation while qualitative presented in report form. The study finding revealed that the strategies used by the gated community to enhance residents’ security within Kitengela Township have significantly improved the level of security in the area. It recommends gated community leaders to follow up with the security officers and the hired guarding company to ensure the discussed strategies to improve the security of the residents are implemented in time.
vocational entrepreneurial training and the success of youth-owned enterprises in kasarani sub-county, kenya.
Level: university
Type: dissertations
Subject: entrepreneurship
Author: wanyonyi, titus
One of the immerging issue relates to how vocational entrepreneurial training affects the success of enterprises. An investigation of the link between vocational entrepreneurial training and the success enterprises owned by youths in Kasarani formed the basis of this research project. In so doing, the study succeeded in answering the question: How does integrating entrepreneurial studies in vocational training impact success of youth-owned enterprises in Kasarani? A literature review focused on defining and explaining pertinent issues in youth-owned enterprises and vocational entrepreneurial training. A descriptive design was employed. The study targeted technical enterprises operated/owned by youth in Kasarani sub-county. A sample of 30 respondents was utilized. The study disclosed that vocational entrepreneurial training positively impacts the performance youth-owned technical enterprises.