effects of genocide ideology on social cohesion in post-genocide rwanda


This study has been conducted in order to assess the effects of genocide ideology on social cohesion in post-genocide Rwanda. Due to the time constraint and financial related issues, the research did not covered all the territory of Rwanda but the research was limited in Gasabo District. The general objective of this study was to highlight in clear way how – even if genocide has ended in Rwanda – the genocide ideology is very dangerous to Rwandan Social Cohesion. Its specific objectives were to explore how genocide ideology persists in post-genocide Rwanda and to find out how genocide ideology impacts social cohesion in post-genocide Rwanda. Regarding, the methodology the population of the study was composed by all local leaders in Bumbogo sector, member of sector counsel up to the cell, opinion leaders and representatives of Ibuka where all were found to be 83, hence the universal sampling was used since the total population is below 100. First of all the study found that genocide ideology still appears among citizens according to the opinions of the participants in this study where mainly people use to select people to marry with considering the mean of 3.60 which is interpreted as high mean, but in general the ideology of genocide in nowadays is moderate considering the grand mean of 2.76 which is interpreted as moderate mean. Studying social cohesion it was revealed that to all its indicators that were used in this study is positively perceived meaning in terms of trust, tolerance, solidarity and friendship. In last it has been found that persistence of genocide ideology reduced the level of friendship among people, reduction of the way by which people cooperate in different domains and it has become hard to see people with different history (Ethnic) to participate in the same ceremonies.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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