psychosocial living condition of children born from women raped during the 1994 genocide perpetrated against tutsi in rwanda


In general , wars are fought by men but women or girls seem to suffer more. For instance a war might break up when a woman has not any protection. In former condition, the woman needs special care from any person, herself or even her surrounding which is next to impossible when in time of a war. Although it looked at women who were raped in other conflicts and genocides in general, In April 1994 Rwanda experienced any crimes against humanity where a million of people perished and the execution was carried out by Rwandans and against Rwandans. This happened in the blink of an eye since no other Genocide had claimed such number in such quickness moreover. International community landed to worsen the situation since it was on the side of the tormentor rather that the tormented. Rape was utilized as the most destructive facility of perpetrators as female Tutsis were sexually abused and these horrible acts resulted into unwanted pregnancies. My research deals with ‘’Psychosocial living condition of children born from women raped in 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.’’ Most of the children who were born of rape are now at a marriageable age but sometimes getting spouses is not easy. They live in the prospect that no one will appreciate them on the ground of their birth. Such children belong to neither their fathers’ family nor to their mothers’ since the former are killers and are known as interahamwe who massacred Tutsis in the genocide. They experience negative environment both in the community and within their home. Frequently the child experience ostracism from community. They have not a good reputation even the young people of same generation don’t love or consider them. That research on children born of rape shows psychological and social problems as well as identity problem, discrimination, and loneliness, depression and secondary trauma.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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