peacebuilding in post-genocide rwanda the role of cooperatives in the restoration of interpersonal relationships


Between April and July 1994, Rwanda was the scene of one of the most brutal genocides in the history of humankind. It is estimated that at least one million people were killed within that three-month period. After the genocide, a deep division between genocide survivors and former genocide perpetrators, as well as their respective family members was evident. Despite the Rwandan Government‘s efforts (creation of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, solidarity camps, traditional courts of justice-Gacaca, community mediators, etc.), the aftermath of the genocide remains a period during which the big challenge is concerned with how to restore relationships across the divides in question. Nowadays, in Rwanda, eyes are also turned toward cooperative organizations assumed to be a recruiting vehicle through which post-genocide recovery, social cohesion and reconciliation could be driven.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2009

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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