security organs and reconciliation in post genocide rwanda: case study of rwanda defence force


The study is conducted to assess the contribution of security organs and reconciliation in post genocide Rwanda: Case study of Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), from 1994 to 2016. The researcher selected Rwanda Defence Forces based on its thought contributions, roles and attributes that were carried out during and after the violent conflict that culminated in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, in relation to the Rwanda reconciliation process other than warfare and protection. The study objective is to assess and provide findings about the RDF contributions rather than warfare and protection of civilians and infrastructures with which brings about reconciliation and harmony in post genocide that others can learn and benefit in conflict situations. And in view also to bring its findings in the context of gaps in academic research to mitigate contemporary security challenges under peace and security studies. This study is exploratory given that it is not aimed at testing a hypothesis. As far as the study approach is concerned, this thesis is mainly qualitative notably regarding the exploration of the two research questions. The quantitative aspect is only provided in identifying the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents as well as respondents‘ views on reconciliation and security. The purpose is only to explore respondents‘ opinions and experiences with regard to activities of RDF in relation to reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda. Security is understood by all levels as the very least, the survival as the most basic value to be secured or protected. However, security is not only state sovereignty privilege; it is broadened to include national security, human security and individual security that has been the center of threats to security thus developing violent conflict. Therefore, the link between the security and reconciliation is the intervention (peace enforcement), protection (peace keeping) and sustainability (peace building) activities that security organs should play vital roles among other institutions. It is in this regard that RDF is found contributing an important part within the above three categories more than warfare.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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