examining factors leading to unmet need for family planning in rural rwanda: case study of gisagara district


Globally, 45% of more than two hundred million women every year get pregnant while they would desire not by the time or later. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy affect negatively women not only physically and Psyche and the rate of unmet need for family planning has remained high in developing country especially Rwanda. This study aimed to examine the factors leading to unmet need for family planning in rural Rwanda, using Gisagara District as a case study. It was conducted in line with the three specific objectives: i. To determine family related factors potential to influence decision of not using Family Planning Methods among women living in Gisagara District, ii. To identify the factors related to the accessibility as determinants of unmet need for Family Planning among women of Gisagara District and, iii. To assess women’s socio-environmental factors leading to decisions of not using any method of family planning among women of Gisagara District. The present study was guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and used cross-sectional research design to collect information on women living experience. Purposive sampling was used to contact and collect information from people believed to hold information. The study findings revealed that among family related factors that lead women to not use FPM successfully, there is limited husband support, women’s own experience and heard information of Family Planning methods (FPM) side effects lead many women to have unmet need for FP. About contraceptive accessibility as determinants of unmet need for FP, even though women had access to information about FPM, they were not pleased by the loss of time and money accompanied by long line, absence of service providers and type of needed products. For socio-environment factors, religion, FPM users and friends, and aids provided to some women also discouraged some of them to use FP methods. The study concludes that among the factors influencing women not to use FPM successfully there is mainly limited involvement and participation of partners. Another main factor is misconception about FPM and contraceptives side effects. As recommendations, Government and all other partners have to work hands in hands and increase campaigns to teach women all about FPM and address the misconception. Also, government and non-governmental organizations should organize forums aiming to encourage men’s involvement and participation in FP with proper attitudes. In addition, families have to adopt FPM successfully for sustainable development.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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