the role of family planning in fostering social-economic development in rural uganda: a case study of wobulenzi town council, luweero district


In this study, the researcher intended to find out the role of Family Planning in Social-Economic Development in rural Uganda: A case study of Wobulenzi Town Council, Luweero District was used. The main objectives of the study were to establish the family planning methods commonly used in Wobulenzi Town Council, Luweero District, to find out the rural household development activities in Wobulenzi Town Council, Luweero District, to examine the role of family planning in rural household development in Wobulenzi Town Council, Luweero District. The case study design was used since it is the most common design for this kind of study to enable researcher get as much detail as possible on the topic. A sample of 67 respondents was selected using random and purposive sampling methods. Findings indicate that, Contraceptive use among women in urban areas is higher compared with women in rural areas. Variations in contraceptive use are generally not remarkable. Worth nothing is that the use of natural methods is not very high among women compared with other areas. From the study, it was revealed that there is natural mythonic method of family planning where the women and men rely on the natural cycle of menstruation to determine the ovulation and safe days when to have safe sex in which the woman would not conceive. According to the study, use of contraceptive pills had become popular with women. The swallowing of pills was used basically by the school girls, the unmarried and married females. Another equally important, safe and reliable method was the Depo Provera or injecta plan. The researcher recommends that Government should introduce free and accessible family planning services to the rural women so that they can be prompt in taking them on in a bid to reduce on the pregnancies and space the children well. There is still need to do more study on why there is low uptake of family planning services among men.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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