management of teachers records at mbarara district local government


The study purposely looked at the management of teachers’ records at Mbarara district Local Government, focusing on primary and secondary teachers and how their records are managed right from creation, maintenance, use, distribution and disposal. Research tools like interview guide and Observation guides were used given the fact that the study undertook a case study design. Interviews were conducted on four respondents who were two Assistant Records Officer, a senior records officer and the Principal Human Resource Officer respectively. The four respondents were chosen given the fact that the Senior Records Officer and the two AssistantRecords Officer knew all it took on the teachers records management and the Principal Human Resource Officer deals with each employee working under the District. The study found out Some of the teachers’ records types included; Appointment letter, Termination letter, Medical checkup report, Performance appraisal reports, Recommendation letters, Loan acknowledgement letter, Study leave, Sick leave, Ladies Maternity leave, Upgrading leave and Resumption of duty letter. Also, the study found a number of challenges that face Teachers’ records management which included; inadequate space, storage equipment, inadequate funding, inadequate staff training and Lack of interest by the district top administrators. The study suggested solutions to the challenges faced in the management of teachers records as, expansion on the storage space, staff training, to include the records department on budget for a financial year, setting up a records management system and Requisition of enough storage equipment. Finally, recommendations were drawn entailing drafting of standard policies and measures for records management, training of records management staffs, Sensitization of teachers and head teachers on the importance of bringing their newly received records to the district registry, and sensitization of the District Top Management team about the importance and need for records in order to create courage for funding for the Department.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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