management of personnel records in support of good governance at the ministry of local government headquarters nairobi


Preliminary survey by the researcher revealed that, the current state in which personnel records and records management units are operating in the Ministry of Local Government (MOLG) has impacted negatively on the delivery of service. Despite the efforts made by the Government through the issuance of several circulars on records management in Government Ministries and non adherence to the legal framework governing employment and management of personnel records, the state of records management in general and personnel records in particular in the MOLG still remains a challenge. The aim of the study was to examine the management of personnel records in support of good governance in the Ministry of Local Government Headquarters and propose a framework for effective management of these records. The objectives of the study were: to find out how personnel records are managed during their continuum; determine how personnel records impact on good governance; determine the factors that contribute to the current state of personnel records; establish the extent to which KNADS has assisted the MOLG to manage personnel records; establish the nature and extent of appreciation of ICT in managing personnel records and propose a framework for management of personnel records in the MOLG. The study was informed by the records continuum model of Frank Upward‟s (1980). The study used a sample size of 68 respondents drawn from different categories of staff through the use of purposive sampling. The sampling comprised the following categories: of respondents namely heads of Department (4), HRM officers (16), Records Management Officers (3), Clerical Officers (15) Information Technology Officers (6) Secretaries (15), KNADS staff (6) and DPM staff (3). The primary data collection instruments were face to face interviews and observation. Qualitative approach was used to present, analyze and interpret the data. The study established that: management of personnel records in MOLG during their continuum were poorly managed; well managed personnel records impacts positively on good governance; there was lack of adherence to personnel records management practices, procedures and policies. Recommendations include: MOLG should develop capacity building for Records Management officers; develop retention and disposal schedules for personnel records in MOLG; review and implement policies and legislations for personnel records; implementation of ICT in the management of personnel records; enactment of records management policy and development of a framework to be used in the management of personnel records in support of good governance.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2012

Institution: moi university eldoret, kenya

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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