an assessment of the records management system at mukono district local government registry


The study aimed at assessing the Records Management System at Mukono District Local Government Registry. The objectives of the study included; to find out the various types of records generated and kept, to examine the current Records Management Systems, investigate on the challenges faced in managing records and come up with the strategies and the recommendations towards the effective management of records at Mukono District Local Government Registry. A case study design was used in this study while adopting both quantitative and qualitative research approaches in the collection of data. Purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain a group of staff registry at all levels. The interviews and observation were the methods used in data collection process. A total of 10 respondents were sampled for this study, these included the records manager, 2 records officers, 3 records assistants and 4 secretaries. In the study, 70% of the respondents were male experienced in records management, well educated and between the age of 18-35 years which shows that they provided reliable information and were very energetic which can help the department to achieve its target or objectives. The different types of records generated and managed were correspondences, appraisal forms, attendance registers, personnel records, photographic records, leave forms, plans, financial records, reports, transfer and posting forms, and minutes. These are generated from various activities such as receipts and payments, evaluation reports, license and taxes, requisitions and endorsements, works and projects, budgets and plans, recruitments and enrollments and meetings. Currently, records at Mukono DLG Registry are manually and electronically managed through carrying out a number of practices such as filing classification, records tracking system, storage of records, records appraisal and records retention and disposal The state of records management in the Mukono DLG Registry was unpleasing, since, at times, records that were requested in bulk took long to retrieve and many files were lost with no known reason. The registry was also challenged by missing files and misfiling. This was due challenges faced in managing records such as poor tracking system, limited storage space, inadequate records staff, inadequate finance, lack of a proper ad sound records management policy and the biological agents such as fungi and insects. The strategies towards the effective management of records were supporting a move to electronic records management, capacitate records management staff, provision of enough funds for records management, provision of a bigger building for records storage, staff training, proper file management, and review staff establishment and recruit more staff. It was therefore recommended that, there is need to; improve records management systems, capacitate registry personnel, plan for management of bulk records, switch to electronic systems and strengthen records security.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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