an assessment of ict adoption in kenyan academic libraries: a case study of university of nairobi libraries


The environment in which libraries operate has changed significantly with the advent of information age. Technological advancement has compelled libraries to adopt interactive online media for their survival mainly because of its profound influence to the functions of libraries and the information seeking behavior of the readers. However, the proliferation of new technologies opens a number of challenges for libraries in institutions of higher learning which include; inadequate infrastructure, inadequate skills, inadequate funding among other factors. In an effort to ensure that libraries remain forecast in their objective in this era of ICT, the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) recommended that academic libraries in Kenya shall adopt and maintain new ICTs as they develop. Research design for this study is descriptive in nature. The data was collected from the 11 libraries of the University of Nairobi that are located in Nairobi (UoN) and its surrounding. The respondents were library professionals working at the UoN libraries. Data was collected in form of questionnaires. The questionnaire covered 4 sections with section A focusing of demographics of the respondents, section B dealt with ICT adoption, Section C focused on adoption challenges while section D focused on adoption benefits. Data was analyzed using SPSS, Excel and STATA. Results of the study show that most of the libraries surveyed are computerized. Already the computerized library services such as circulation, electronic books and journals, internet services, OPAC services among others. High cost of computer hardware and software were some of the major factors identified as barriers to ICT adoption. Despite the challenges, respondents strongly agreed that ICTs improves the accessibility and provision of current information. The linear regression model showed that improving the ICT skills of the librarians improves the adoption process. The findings of the assessment reveal a high level of awareness among the UoN librarians about the benefits that could be derived from utilizing ICTs. It is recommended that librarians be engaged in continuous professional development and digitization facilities and services be provided.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2011

Institution: university of nairobi

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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