participation of students in improving strategic planning and performance for academic libraries in kenya- case of university of nairobi law libraries


The aim of this research project was to investigate the participation of students at improving strategic planning and performance for academic libraries using the case of the university of Nairobi law libraries. The objectives of the research were: to assess awareness and level of student’s participation at improving strategic planning and performance of academic libraries, establish the role played by librarians in enabling student participation, establish the benefits of student participation and propose a framework for implementation of student participation. The study approach used was both quantitative and qualitative methods using closed and open ended questions for students and interviews for librarians. It targeted a population of 1707 University of Nairobi Law students and librarians. It employed both probability and non-probability sampling consisting of simple random sampling, stratified and purposive technique to gather the data and the researcher used Yamane formula of 95% level of confidence and margin error of 5% to determine the sample size. Framework analysis and narrative analysis techniques were used to evaluate qualitative data and statistical package for social sciences was used to analyze quantitative data. Inter-rating was used to measure the level of consistency of data collection instruments and content test will be used to test instrument validity. The findings tabulated, condensed, analyzed, and inferences drawn. These processes lead to a deduction on how level of participation of students in strategic planning improve performances of academic libraries. Qualitative data analysis concept was applied to draw out patterns from concepts and insights. The study findings were used to support understanding of the study problem. Analyzed data were presented in form of tables and charts for appropriate dissemination and interpretation. The study findings revealed that participation of students in improving strategic planning had huge significant impact on the performance of academic libraries. It also revealed students’ participation at improving strategic planning is less frequently practiced. This study therefore recommends that students should be frequently involved in the development of the strategic planning.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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