an assessment of community libraries’ engagement in imparting civic education to citizenry: a case study of kenya national library services, kibra branch, nairobi county, kenya


Community library engagements in disseminating civic education had for the past two decades grown into such a notable venture. The presence of such libraries with different approaches to this venture had become subject worthy research with the aim of facilitating more appropriate strategies of doing the same. This research sought to assess the community libraries’ engagements in imparting civic education to the citizenry and specifically focused on the Kibra informal settlement community library. The study’s specific objectives were to establish the type of civic education materials stocked by the Kenya National Library Services, Kibra; to examine the extent of usage of the civic education materials; to establish the extent to which the Kenya National Library Services is engaged in imparting civic education, and to suggest appropriate strategies of disseminating civic education alongside the existing methods. The study adopted a qualitative research methodology which involved the use of descriptive data collection techniques and interpretation. The collected data was analyzed descriptively, and results presented by use of bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, tables, and figures to bring the study to its conclusion and recommendations. The study was based at the Kibra community library. The target population was derived from the KNLS library department and included the users of the same. The study was expected to be a lead towards appropriate strategies towards dissemination of civic education among the users of the Kibra community.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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