assessing storage and retrieval of financial records at joint clinical research centre


A study was carried out to assess the record storage and retrieval of financial records at the Joint Clinical and Research Centre (JCRC). The objectives of the study were to; establish the current status of financial records storage and retrieval at JCRC, find out how financial records storage and retrieval at JCRC are managed, identify the challenges of storage and retrieval of financial records at JCRC, and to make suggestions for the best practices in managing financial records at Joint Clinical Research Center. The study used a case study research design. The researcher purposively selected six (6) respondents to participate in the study that is; one (1) Senior Records Officer; two (2) Assistant Records Officers; one (1) Operations Manager; one (1) Secretary and one (1) Office Attendant at JCRC. Data was collected using interviews, observation guides and document analysis. The study established that the different types of financial records at JCRC were; revenue/receipts records, expenditure records, procurement records, fixed Asset Management records, financial Statements. The study also established that the current record storage and retrieval system at JCRC uses shelves, boxes and file cabinets to protect the company’s records. The challenges included; limited record storage space, inadequate record storage equipment, dust, inadequate backups, insecurity of records, misplacement and misfiling of records. The suggestions for improved storage and retrieval of financial records were; more funds should be allocated to the records management section, more records staff should be employed, automate the record storage and retrieval system, updating the filing systems, designing an up-todate disaster preparedness and recovery programme, division of work and regular cleaning and splaying of records storage facilities. The study recommended JCRC to develop a Financial Records Storage and Retrieval Policy. Other recommendations were; training of the records staff, automation of the financial records, recruitment of more records staff, increased funds to the records department, purchase more records storage facilities and sensitization of staff on proper records handling.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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