assessment of storage and retrieval of patient records at makerere university hospital


A study was undertaken to assess the storage and retrieval of patient records at Makerere University Hospital. It was positioned on the following objectives; to find out the types of patient records maintained by Makerere University Hospital, to examine the storage systems used for patient records at Makerere University Hospital, to examine the retrieval systems used for patient records at Makerere University Hospital, to find out the challenges of storage and retrieval of patient records encountered by Makerere University Hospital and to propose strategies for proper storage and retrieval of patient records Makerere University Hospital. The study adopted a case study design. Data was collected using interviews, observation and document analysis. The registry staff were purposively selected for first-hand data collection because the researcher believed that they had dependable information on storage and retrieval of patient records. The findings of the study revealed that hospital serves patients of Makerere University staff, private and government sponsored students of Makerere University as well as people from the outside (private people). As a result, the hospital creates and maintains a number of patient records from services like laboratory, family planning, optometry, dental among others which include medical reports, diagnostic and treatment patient records and lab investigation records. The registry uses a manual system for storage and retrieval of patient records which are stored alphabetically in cabinets. The registry staff surface challenges of limited registry space, funds and inadequate storage equipment, dust and understaffing. The study recommended automation of records functions because the e-registry supports the search, retrieval and display of patient records through a variety of interfaces for example search for records by file title, file reference number, record profile or content. Regardless of the search interface selected by users, the system allows users to access all related records within a file or electronic folder, provided that the user is granted permission to view the records. Users can also identify records by browsing recently accessed files or reviewing the hierarchical structure of the file classification scheme. More so, all related records within the same file can be accessed, action officers receive a holistic perspective, seeing all related records relating to the same activity.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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