This is about Assessment of filing and storage of records at Kakiri Health Centre III. In the organization, records are created and managed in different ways. Therefore filing and storage can be done if the organization structure can provide for it to be conducted. The study emerged because of the following objectives, to establish the current status of filing and storage of records, to find out how filing and storage of records at Kakiri Health Centre III is managed, to identify the challenges of filing and storage and to suggest the best practices in filing and storage of records at the health Centre. The thesis viewed that records filing and storage is done regularly and has contributed to the day to day running of the organization operations. This involved both paper based and electronic system which the research indicated that paper based records are managed in the records department while electronic system of managing records was done using the computers. The study was guided by the objectives of the study, the research questions, purpose of the study and the problem statement. The objective and research questions were viewed in the thesis with the key areas which included the actual status of the records filed and stored in the records department, how records filing and storage is managed in the records department at Kakiri Health Centre III, the challenges affecting the filing and storage of records and the best practices of filing and storage of records where the questionnaires and interview guide for the study was developed. The study viewed the literature review citing the current status of filing and storage of records in organization, how filing and storage can be managed, challenges encountered in filing and storage of records in the organization and then best practices of filing and storage in the organization. Recommendations were made within the context of the study of records filing and storage of records of the organization .it has been recommended that filing and storage of records should be incorporated in organization’s plans by senior administrators. Regular training was also seen as one of the main areas on which the organization should apply its focus to ensure a good filing and storage system of records.
Level: under-graduate
Type: dissertations
Year: 2018
Institution: makerere university
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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