assessment of records storage and retrieval: a case study at butabika hospital


Thestudy “assessment of records storage and retrieval at Butabikahospital in the records registry.”This was guided by the following objectives; To find out the types of records found in ButabikaHopital, to find out how records are stored and retrieved at Butabika Hospital , to find out the current state of the records storage and retrieval at Butabika Hospital,to identify the challenges of records storage and retrieval at Butabika Hospital, to make conclusions on how to maintain records storage and retrieval at Butabika Hospital. This research methodology involved the use of a qualitative research design with a case study approach. Interview and observation document analysis guides were the key data collection instruments. The researcher used a sample size of 6 respondents who comprised of; 3 records officers, 2 Assistant Records Officers and 1 senior records Officer. sampling was used in the study. The study problem under investigation was why records deteriorate and wasting of time in retrieving of Records. The study hoped to benefit researcher for the award of the Bachelor‟s Degree of Records and Archives Management of Makerere University. The study findings revealed that management of records storage and retrieval in Butabika Hospital was not fully effective at the registry in a way that there was inadequate space for storage, records are pilled together and some of them are fixed to each other on the metallic cabinets and shelves, other records are placed on the floor andunskilled staff on electron on records. The study therefore recommends training for the records management and recruiting more qualified staff, adopting a records management system, development of policies and guidelines of records storage and retrieval management, purchase of more modern storage equipment‟s by increasing funding among others , for an improved level of management of records storage and retrieval at Butabika Hospital.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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