a disaster preparedness plan for ndejje university library, kampala campus


Disaster is a common phenomenon that can happen when least expected and it often comes unannounced with disastrous consequences. Disasters are frequently happening around the world and organizations need to focus on risks that can affect and disrupt their normal functioning by taking mitigation measures. No organization may want to be out of business for any reason at this competitive era as this can cause losses in terms of finances and reputation. The study aimed at developing a disaster preparedness plan for Ndejje University library to protect the library materials from deterioration. The objectives of the study were; to identify the types of Information materials managed at Ndejje University Library, Kampala Branch, to assess the sources of disasters which threaten information materials in Ndejje University Library, Kampala Branch, to establish the challenges faced in managing disasters that affect information materials at Ndejje University Library, Kampala Branch, to develop a disaster preparedness plan for information at Ndejje University Library, Kampala Branch. The study adopted a mixed research where primary data was collected using questionnaires, interview and observation methods. The questionnaires, interview guides, and the observation guides were used in data collection necessary in developing a disaster preparedness plan for Ndejje University library. The researcher employed a case study research design since it targeted a particular organization. The findings revealed that there is a variety of information services offered by Ndejje University library which included; monographs, pamphlets (documents which are less than 100 pages), periodicals (documents published at regular intervals), electronic journals (Blackwell, Ebscohost, AJOL, Springer, Gale and Emerald among others), reports (government and non-government Organisations). The research findings also showed that these information services and products are not effectively utilized with reasons of not knowing these services. The study also revealed that there are various sources of disasters that threaten information materials at Ndejje University Library as stated by the university librarian. Dust, fire and water, excessive heat and humidity, pests, viruses and hackers, mishandling by the users and many others are the stated sources of disasters that threaten information materials at Ndejje University Library.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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Plot 3, KTS Road Makerere University after Infectious Diseases Institute

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