guidelines for improving preservation of library materials at ndejje university, kampala campus library


The project assessed preservation of library materials at Ndejje University. The major aim of the study was to assess the preservation procedures of library materials at Ndejje University, Kampala Campus and propose guidelines for improved preservation and care. The objectives of the project were; to examine the condition of library materials at Ndejje University Kampala Campus, to examine the kind of preservation techniques used in the library, to identify the challenges encountered by library staff when carrying out preservation, and to propose guidelines for improved preservation and care of library materials. The project employed the case study approach complemented by methodological triangulation. The project used both Interview method and Observation methods of data collection to obtain data for the purposes of designing the guidelines. A sample size of 4 library staff was used for the study. However, four (4) library staff were used because all the six (6) library staff could not be available on a daily basis. The findings established that there is need to design guidelines for preservation of information materials at NU, Kampala Campus. This was due to some books were torn, dirty, and not in a fine shape. There were few instructions for the care and handling of information materials and the results also showed that lack of enough space for the materials was one of the major challenges. In order to enhance preservation of materials, the project recommended guidelines for improving preservation of library materials. It also recommended that the library should be provided with more training in the area of preservation. Further still, the library was urged to ensure that funds are available for planning activities in preservation.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2015

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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