impact of malnutrition on children ages 3-10: a case study of nakpangau resdential area yambio county south sudan


The study was determined on the impact of malnutrition on children Age 3-10 in Nakpangau Area Yambio county South Sudan. The study of (n=52) was conducted, the study had the following objectives  To identify the causes of malnutrition among children in Nakpangau  To describe the effects of malnutrition on children in Nakpangau Area Yambio South Sudan  To establish the possible remedies that can improve children’s nutrition in Nakpangau area Yambio South Sudan The determinants were measured using the questionnaire based on depth interview and closed needed questionnaire findings shows that poverty is the major cause of malnutrition with 62%, and death is the most effect of malnutrition on children in Nkpangau area Yambio South Sudan with 31%. And providing micronutrient foods is the possible solution to reduce malnutrition among children in Nakpangau area Yambio South Sudan.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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