causes and effects of malnutrition on children aged 1-7 years, a case study of rwampara county, mbarara district, uganda


The principle objective of carrying out this study was to assess the causes and effects of malnutrition on children aged 1-7 years in Mbarara district, a case study of Rwampara County and to come up with particular issues that need to be addressed in order to reduce malnutrition in children. The study used cross section design where data was gathered just once over a period of time in Rwampara County, (2017- 2018). The research used descriptive research design which describes the phenomenon, it was undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of variables of interest. The study used a sample size of 33 respondents who were purposively selected self-administered questionnaires and interview guides were the main instruments of study and data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages From the literature review, the researcher analyzed causes of malnutrition, effects of malnutrition and ways of reversing the trend of malnutrition Findings on malnutrition were that there are some causes that arise such as; dietary practices, diseases, poverty and food prices. Effects of malnutrition include stunting, marasmus kwashiorkor vitamin and mineral deficiency Findings on the ways of reversing the trend on malnutrition were provision of food security, breast feeding of children, controlling on the world population and deworming of children on health facilities. Basing on researcher recommendation, the Rwampara County health facilities should be well put in place and adhered to; in order to guide the daily operations of employees and to provide them with guiding principles. This helps to reduce malnutrition in children aged 1-7 years in Rwampara County, Mbarara District.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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