the impact of the conflict on socio-economic development: a case study of central equatoria, south sudan


The world has witnessed and experienced conflicts in several forms, and this has enormously subjected humanity in untold suffering and unprecedented levels of destitutions and deprivation encountered by those who are directly or indirectly affected as a result. Sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, is a region highly plunged into conflicts as a result of either weak institutional governance structures put in place, or the manipulation of the system by the few ruling elites and their associates to retain and maintain power perpetually. This thesis examines the relationship between conflict and the socio-economic development of South Sudan as a case study. It is worth noting that, Sudan and South Sudan had been engaged in armed conflicts that lasted nearly forty years (1972) and (1983, 2005). The objectives of this study includes: to identify contributing factors to the insecurity in South Sudan, to assess the short, medium and long term impacts of humanitarian crises on the social development and the affected population / communities, and to examine the socioeconomic conditions, and disruption of basic service delivery to the population of South Sudan. The study used both primary and secondary methods for data collection. The results obtained from the study indicate that, the majority of South Sudanese nationals have experienced various armed conflicts fought between Sudan and South Sudan resulting into general insecurity and therefore, retarded socioeconomic development, poverty, humanitarian crises and disruption of basic service delivery to the people and communities in South Sudan Additionally, armed conflicts caused an immense destruction of both physical and economic infrastructure, and therefore rendering the economy of the country weak, and the civil population into a state of destitution and impoverishment because their means of survival are either destroyed or left behind due to insecurity. Accordingly it is recommended that, warring parties in armed conflicts should not convert developmental facilities such as schools and hospitals into military barracks which are used to deliver basic service to the population and by so doing frightened workers who are supposed to manned these facilities, and therefore resulting into abandonment of these professions.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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