the influence of poverty on the causes of early marriages among adolescents in kyakatwile: a case study on girls in kyakatwire village. karangura sub county, fortportal district


Early marriage among adolescents, particularly young girls, remains a pressing global issue. This practice, influenced by poverty and various complex factors, hinders personal and professional growth, perpetuates the cycle of poverty, and limits opportunities for education. This research aims to investigate the causes and impacts of early marriages among adolescents and propose effective strategies to prevent and address this issue. The study also seeks to highlight the role of parents, communities, and legal frameworks in combating early marriages. The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is collected through interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders, including adolescents, parents, community members, and experts in the field. Quantitative data is obtained through surveys conducted among representative samples of adolescents in various communities. The findings reveal that poverty is a significant driver of early marriages among adolescents. Lack of access to education, economic incentives, gender inequality, broken families, cultural practices, domestic violence, and religious beliefs are identified as contributing factors. The study demonstrates the negative impacts of early marriages, including increased vulnerability to health risks, hindrance to personal and professional growth, and perpetuation of the cycle of poverty. Early marriage among adolescents is a complex issue with multiple interrelated causes. Poverty plays a prominent role in driving young girls towards early marriages, but other factors, such as limited access to education, cultural norms, and gender inequality, also contribute significantly. Addressing these underlying causes through comprehensive strategies is crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty and ensuring equal opportunities for all adolescents. Based on the research findings, several recommendations are proposed. Firstly, governments should allocate funds and resources to support young girls from impoverished backgrounds. Awareness and sensitization programs should be extended to communities to educate parents about their responsibilities in preventing early marriages. Efforts should be made to transform cultural norms and promote gender equality.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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