reasons for the continuous low grades among girls in universal primary education: a case study of kasozi church of uganda primary school, namasagali sub-county, kamuli district


The aim of the study was to examine the reasons for the continuous low grades among girls in UPE schools. The study was based on specific objectives that include; to identify gender related factors that affect the academic performance of girls in UPE schools, explore school related factors that affect academic performance of girls in UPE, and identify initiatives undertaken by the school and community to improve the performance of girls in UPE schools. The research was comprised of 57 pupils of primary seven in Kasozi C/U primary school in Namasagali sub-county, Kamuli district, and the secondary respondents were the teachers, parents and Alumni of Kasozi C/U primary school. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the selected pupils and interview guides and key informant guides were used to collect data from the school Alumni and teachers as well as parents respectively. The study confirmed that several factors account for the poor grades of girls at UPE schools. The general academic performance of pupils in UPE schools is affected by several factors such as students' learning skills, parental background, poverty in families, peer influence, teachers' quality, and learning infrastructure among others. The PLE results of Kasozi C/U primary school from 2012 to 2020 showed that boys have continued to perform better than girls, and this can be attributed to various gender related factors both in homes and the schools. The study established that some parents do not have adequate skill to guide their children, girls have more tasks to perform compared to boys before they attend to school, poverty in the region plays a role in affecting the performance of girls. Lack of proper teaching materials, poor teaching methods, lack of evaluation instruments especially those used for international purposes creates a gap between learning achievement and what is required by society. The study showed that parents have a role to play in improving the performance of girls. This is in addition to government playing its oversight role majorly in indication and ensuring that school are operating as required by Law.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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