the influence of parental participation on education service delivery in primary schools: a case study of universal primary education schools in muduuma sub county, mpigi district


This study was carried out to examine the influence of parental participation on education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District. It was conducted under three specific objectives namely; (i) to examine whether the parents‟ provision of learning materials has an influence on education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District, (ii) to assess whether parents‟ involvement in decision making has an influence on education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District and (iii) to establish whether parents‟ monitoring has an influence on education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District. The researcher adopted a correlational research design since it involved correlating the different components of parental participation to establish how each one of them influences education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District. Data was collected by use of both closed ended questionnaires and structured interview guides. A sample of 63 respondents was selected to participate in the study. Out of these, 57 were supposed to fill questionnaires and 6 were supposed to be interviewed. Consequently, 57 questionnaires were distributed. However, out of the 57 questionnaires that were distributed, 56 questionnaires were fully completed by the respondents and therefore met the inclusion criteria. This represents 96% response rate for questionnaires. The researcher also managed to administer interviews on 4 head teachers of UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District out of the proposed 6 persons which represents 66% rate for the interviews. Data collected was coded and then entered into a computer program known as Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). A Pearson‟s correlation analysis was carried out to establish the relationship between the variables, while regression analysis was also carried out to establish how a change in the dependent variable (education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District) can be explained by a change in each of the independent variables (parents‟ provision of learning materials, parents‟ involvement in decision making and parents‟ monitoring). The Pearson‟s correlation analysis revealed that; (i) parents‟ provision of learning materials positively influences education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District (r = .565, Sig. Value = 0.000), (ii) parents‟ involvement in decision making positively influences education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District (r = .628, Sig. Value = 0.000) and (iii) parents‟ monitoring positively influences education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District (r = .637, Sig. Value = 0.000). It was therefore concluded that increased adherence to parental participation in terms of parents‟ provision of learning materials, parents‟ involvement in decision making and parents‟ monitoring is likely to significantly improve education service delivery among UPE schools in Muduuma Sub County Mpigi District. It was recommended that efforts should be taken to improve the provision of learning materials by among others encouraging the parents to provide these learning materials to their children at least at the beginning of every new term. The parents need to be encouraged to not only attend to school functions but should also demand to be informed about the curriculum or subject matter being taught to their children. Parents also need to regularly conduct learning activities with children in their homes, check on their homework and even monitor their attendance in schools. They should also be encouraged to make regular impromptu visits to inquire about their activities taking place schools since this will send a signal to their children, teachers and school administrators that their conduct and performance is being observed.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: uganda martyrs university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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