corporate information technology strategy, information technology governance, information quality and service delivery of state corporations in kenya


This study contributes to the strategic information systems literature through empirical investigation on the effect of corporate IT strategy, IT governance and information quality on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya. The study was motivated by a number of research gaps which could only be addressed through an integrated conceptual model testing on how corporate IT strategy, ITG and information quality could individually and jointly affect service delivery of state owned entities. This study proposed six hypotheses to be tested on the effect of corporate IT strategy, IT governance and information quality on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya with simple and multiple linear regression analyses, correlation analysis. This study was anchored on the Fourth Industrial Revolution Theory and Diffusion of Innovation (DoI) Theory. This study utilized the positivist orientation philosophy. The unit of analysis was 178 state corporations in Kenya corporations spread across the twenty ministries. Primary data was collected through administering structured questionnaire and secondary data on service delivery was collected from annual performance contract reports. In conclusion; this study found statistically significant effect of corporate IT strategy on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya, F (12, 107) = 15.121, P>0.000; 58.7% (Adjusted R2 = 0. 587) of variations in the service delivery is explained by variations in corporate IT strategy. Secondly, this study found statistically significant effect of information technology governance on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya, F (7, 112) =23.052, P>0.000.; 56.5% (Adjusted R2 = 0.565) of variations in the service delivery is explained by variations in the information technology governance. Thirdly, effect of information quality on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya was statistically significant, F (11, 108) = 7.576, P>0.000; whereby 37.8% (Adjusted R2 = 0.378) of variations in service delivery is explained by variations in the information quality. Fourthly, this study found statistically significant effect of IT governance on the relationship between corporate IT strategy and service delivery of state corporations in Kenya, F (6, 113) =46.875, P>0.000 g; whereby 69.8% (Adjusted R2 = 0.698) of variations in service delivery is explained by variations in corporate IT Target* ITG level of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ITG framework, existence of corporate IT strategy, IT governance on resource capability/use, level of implementation of corporate IT strategy, level of cascading of corporate IT strategy. Fifthly, this study found statistically significant effect of information quality on the relationship between corporate IT strategy and service delivery of state corporations in Kenya, F (7, 112) =37.514, P>0.000h; which implies 68.2% (Adjusted R2 = 0.682) of variations in the overall service delivery are explained by effect of information quality on the relationship between corporate IT strategy and service delivery of state corporations in Kenya. The study additionally found statistically significant joint effect of corporate IT strategy, IT governance and information quality on service delivery of state corporations in Kenya, F (29, 119) = 12.300, P>0.000; which means 73.4% (Adjusted R2 = 0.734) of variations in the service delivery are explained jointly by corporate IT strategy, IT governance and information quality. The study suggests management practices to increase sustainability efforts through various mechanisms. The results of this study add to existing knowledge in the area of service delivery of State Corporation’s by determination of the relevant factors that are important in defining service delivery of state corporations xvii in Kenya. Also, the findings helped in reducing the controversy on the relationship between corporate IT strategy and service delivery by showing that the positive relationship that is direct and significant among the proxies of corporate IT strategy and service delivery. Based on the results of this study, the government through relevant ministries and other stakeholders in the state corporations sector should develop appropriate policies in an attempt to organize the IT applications to enable investor’s and regulatory bodies get access to information pertaining how to improve their ability to perform as well as give quality services. The study suggests future studies which it deems important in contributing to future knowledge in research works. Other studies on the factors influencing service delivery like market efficiency may also be important to evaluate their effect on the regulator’s potential to give regulations that enhance efficiency. There are several possible sources of uncertainty in the state corporations functioning like Political instability and government interference are possible extraneous factors that could impact on service delivery which future study could factor in as control variables.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: olivia rose


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