an examination of records management practices for improved service delivery in laikipia county government, kenya


An effective records management program is a major element of the governance of any organization. However, despite this crucial role played by records management, there is a consensus amongst researchers that many organizations, including county governments, pay little attention to the management of records. In Kenya county government departments are under legislative obligations to adopt a systematic and organized approach to the management of records. For example, the National Archives and Records Service of Kenya Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) requires government departments to develop, implement and maintain proper records management systems. The purpose of this study therefore was to examine records management practices in Laikipia County Government. The objectives of the study were to establish records management practices in Laikipia County Government, identify records management policies in Laikipia County Government, determine the record management system in Laikipia County Government and suggest effective and efficient records management practices for Laikipia County Government. A descriptive research design was used in this study. The target population comprised of all the 101 employees of Laikipia County Government directly involved in the management of records. The sample size was determined through the census technique since the target population was small. A total of 101 respondents were selected for the questionnaire and five for interviews. Quantitative data and qualitative data were collected using questionnaire and interview schedule. Reliability and validity of the data instruments was ensured by conducting a pre-test to 10% of the target population of each department in Nyandarua County Government, making a total of 10 record officers. To analyze the data collected, descriptive analysis and content analysis methods were used and an appropriate computer software package (Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22) was employed to assist in analysis. The major findings of this study were that: record management practices in Laikipia County Government were inefficient; the county government lacked RM policies; a centralized records management system was ineffective for Laikipia County government and the County Government faced major challenges in managing its records. The study recommends for formulation of Records Management policies, decentralization of Record Management systems, budgeting and training of Record Management practitioners in Laikipia County Government.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: kisii university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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