the role of records management in public service delivery in county governments in kenya: a case study of kisii county government headquarters


Good records management will promote efficient and effective public services in ways such as ensuring regulatory compliance, curb graft, minimizing litigation risks, support making of informed decisions by providing timely and sufficient information, promoting accountability among others. The aim of this study is to assess record management practises at the county government with specific references to county headquarters and how records management enhances delivery of good public services. The study was a case study and quantitative in nature and it used questionnaires and interview schedules as instruments of collecting data. The study sample included 5 records managers, 12 top management officials, 28 action officers, 36 clerical officers and 19 registry staff. Questionnaires were the key data collection tools used but they were supplemented by interviews. Some of the key findings of the study included; the county has not implemented a records management program, lack of adequately trained records management staff, lack of records centre and an archive for semi-current and non-current records. The county has also not implemented a disaster management program especially for its vital records, the equipment and storage facilities are not adequate, there is lack of awareness on the importance of records and records management among non-records management staff, and the county has not adopted information, communication technology in enhancing and improving records management. It is out of those findings that the study proposed a number of recommendations which included the need to implement records management policies, standards, guidelines and procedures. The county headquarters should also automate its records management functions and implement records management awareness programs for non-records management staff. The county should also implement a records management, disaster management program and provide training programs for records management personnel.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2014

Institution: university of nairobi

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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