assessment of the contribution of national employment program on unemployment alleviation in youth and women in rwanda 2014-2018: a case of rulindo district


The present research was about NEP and unemployment alleviation in Rulindo district. Specific objectives of the research were: to assess the enrollment situation among youths and women in NEP activities; to assess the situation of employment among youths and women who graduated from NEP; and it to assess challenges of accessing and creating jobs among youths and women graduated from NEP in Rulindo District. The research used a sample population of 97 respondents over 3131 population of graduated in 2015 as the following: 28 graduated from TVET (3 years of training); 40 graduated from VTC (1 year training); 21 graduated from RRT and 8 graduated from IBT. The research used a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches where numerical data was collected using questionnaire and non- numerical data was collected through interview and observation. The research found that youths and women enrollments in NEP activities are interesting except for BDAs and BDF where statistical data related to beneficiaries were respectively not available and kept confidential. Among graduated, 67% work for pay; 25% are still unemployed and only 8% started- up their own businesses which are too small that the majority earn between 21,000 and 30,000 Frw. The most challenging issue to access jobs include: Lack of experience to be employed in big companies (mean = 3.98); Skills mismatch (mean = 3.95); Rural area conditions with limited number of companies (mean = 3.86); and Predominance of sole traders Companies limiting access to jobs (mean = 3.72). Challenging issue to start- up businesses include: Incapacity to access start- up toolkit (mean = 3.97); Lack of collaterals and guarantee to access the loan (mean = 3.92); Lack of experience in doing business (mean = 3.76); Fear to failure (mean = 3.15); Limited purchasing power due to rural economic conditions (mean = 3.32); poor infrastructure (electricity, roads) (mean= 3.79); and High cost of transport system in rural area (mean = 3.93). The research recommends WDA to review the curricula for TVET Rulindo and adapt them to the context of Rulindo where the needs are more oriented in mining and quarrying; manufacturing; and to develop follow- up system for accompanying graduates from TVETs/ VTCs through providing additional at- work trainings and seminars. The research recommends also the Government to o increase the budget allocated to grant scheme whereby graduates from TVETs, RRT and IBT will be empowered running their own businesses and so reduce the level of unemployment in youths and women.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Rwanda

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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