assessment of monitoring and evaluation system for the embu water and sanitation company limited


The overall objective for this study was to assess EWASCO M&E system. The eight components of focus in this study were capacity building and resources, keeping of documents, collection of information, quality structures, verification of information, Analysis and usage of data, evaluation, leadership and alignment. The study sought to operationalize FHI 360 tool for assessment of the M&E system and 20 people were used with purposive sampling. Interviews were done and documents reviewed. It employed descriptive statistics during analysis of the collected data. The EWASCO system scored an average of 76% and was rated “fairly good”. Quality systems of data were the highest score with 91 percent, Data use and evaluation scored 66 percent which was the least score. The identified advantages were: procedures that were well outlined, partnerships that were strong, data collection tools that were standardized. Shortcomings were: budget that was minimal, staff that was not adequate, inappropriate skilled workforce, improper M&E procedures documentation, no data analysis and application, finally, nothing shows that the results were applied to improve on the program impact. The study recommendations included: increased budget allocation to at least 5% of the budget, employ staff to the M&E section, regular system assessments to ensure its functionality, the organization should have a proper documentation for the system to improve its efficiency and use, the organization should provide limited access to promote security of data and future access, Consistent follow-up of definitions on data transfer to summary formats and reports, tools filled with completeness and correctness, with good feedback systems. indicators measurable to ensure quality of data from collection to analysis.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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