an assessment of the monitoring and evaluation system of the new ways organization (nwo).


The overall purpose of the evaluation was to assess the state of the New Ways Organization's M&E system and its contribution to Programme improvement. This evaluation was specifically aimed at determining the extent to which the New Ways Organization's M&E system met established standards. Identification of strengths and gaps in the NWO M&E system. Determine how the NOW M&E System products are being utilized to improve Programmes. FHI 360 (2013). (2013). The M&E system of New Ways was evaluated using a case study design. Census methods were used to collect information from respondents due to the small number of staff. We gathered primary data through key informant interviews and supplemented it with secondary data gathered through surveys. Resource and capacity building received 71.0%, documentation received 53.3%, data management and collection received 37.0%, data quality systems received 35.3%, data review received 20.0%, data analysis and use received 47.5%, evaluation received 96.7%, and coordination and leadership received 96.7%. The New Ways M&E system of the organization received 52.0 percent. Based on the deficiencies discovered, an improved M&E system is required, and the outcomes of the intervention are presented to executives. According to the study, the M&E system aids management decision-making, organizational learning, and responsibility and accountability. Despite New Ways' numerous challenges, including a lack of human and financial resources for M&E operations, the study concluded that M&E has improved many aspects of managerial decision-making. The NWO makes evidence-based decisions based on data, which has resulted in improved Programme improvement. Information is disseminated to various stakeholders, according to the assessment. According to the study, there is a need for routine donor reporting as well as oversight of data reviews prior to use. The domains of data verification, data analysis, and data quality system and use should be re-engineered to increase the M&E system functionality to the established standard. xii


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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