factors affecting application of results based monitoring and evaluation system by nurture africa


Donor countries are concerned about development practices in the developing countries where much of the financial and technical investment has been done with little change. One of the causes the donors identified was under-reporting of project impact on people’s lives. The donors resolved during the Paris Declaration of 2005 that development organizations should use results based management approach to implement projects. The purpose of the study was to examine factors affecting the application of Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation system by Nurture Africa. The research study used a mixed method to collect data from 40 sampled respondents. These included surveys, key informative interviews and document review of M&E tools. Out of 38 respondents, most (37%) disagreed that Nurture Africa management provides capacity building for staff in M&E. There was however a significant number of respondents (31.5%) who agreed that management provided capacity building for staff in M&E. The majority of the respondents (52.6%) disagreed and 10.5% strongly disagreed that Nurture Africa management allocated sufficient funds for M&E activities. The highest percentage (60.5%) of the respondents interviewed disagreed that Nurture Africa staff possessed M&E skills and experience. Close to 37 (36.8%) of the respondents interviewed, disagreed that Nurture Africa conducted a baseline for every project, while 26.3% agreed and 21.1% strongly agreed that Nurture Africa always conducted baseline studies. Only 15.8% percent of the participants were not sure whether Nurture Africa conducts baseline studies. It was concluded that management support, organizational capacity as well as utilization of baseline information affected the capacity of Nurture Africa staff to report project outcomes and impact. The study recommended that Nurture Africa should invest in capacity building for staff in RBM & E; allocate 5-10% of funds of every project for M&E; conduct baseline and utilize findings.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016

Institution: uganda technology and management university (utamu)

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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