the role of participatory communication in resettlement for development: a case study of resettlement


This research sought to assess the part that participatory communication had on KenGen's relocation in Olkaria. The study's goals were to: 1. ascertain the degree to which participatory communication was utilized throughout the project cycle; 2. determine the degree to which the local community participated during the whole project cycle; in addition, 3. to identify the challenges that impeded the practical usage of participatory communication in the resettlement process. The study targeted a population of 1200 people relocated by KenGen in Olkaria. Data was collected from a selected sample size. Key informants from like community liaison staff from the company and local administrators were engaged in the study. On methodology, the work employed an assorted research strategy method, using qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The data collection instruments were questionnaires and interviews. Simple random sampling and purposive census sampling methods helped to get the participants for the study. While qualitative data was presented in narrative form, quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive indicators. Thisstudy concluded that participatory communication played a key role in the successful relocation and resettlement project by KenGen in Olkaria. This study recommends capacity building for the local communities through civic education to enhance their participation in future projects. It also recommends mentorship and investment in education through scholarships and adult literacy learning programs to improve literacy levels in the community because illiteracy impedes effective participation.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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