agricultural projects and rural development in rwanda: a case study of urugaga imbaraga in musanze district


The majority of communities in Rwanda are rural dwellers and agrarian by occupation. This study assesses the role of agricultural projects and rural development in Musanze district, Rwanda. The research was a survey that collected data from 214 respondents -- 139 being farmers, 35 selected from Urugaga Imbaraga project staff, 30 respondents being local leaders and 10 community development officers. Respondents were selected using purposive and random sampling methods. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The researcher used both primary and secondary data collection tools. Data was analysed by descriptive statistics. The study findings revealed that Agricultural Projects have significantly increased food production in the locality through increased provision of pesticides and improved seeds to farmers, establishment of new infrastructure and provision of fertilizers. Though Urugaga Imbaraga in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture has significantly improved farmers` use of agricultural inputs, there is need to empower farmers by reducing the cost of fertilizers, improved seeds and even pesticides based on acreage one owns. Due to lack of adequate production capacity and insufficient stocks in the country, Rwanda still depends upon imported inputs which are too costly for farmers. There is need to loosen conditions that dictate access to, control and use of financial facilities by farmers. Being the core of the country’s economic backbone, agriculture should be given special attention in this regard whereby special financial facilities should set aside for agricultural development and be made flexible so as to be available to individual farmers.



Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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