The study was conducted at Mityana Lands office.It aimed at examining the records storage and retrieval systems at Mityana Lands Office.Records are very important in ensuring that the organization is governed effectively and efficiently and is accountable to its staff and the community it serves. The information contained in organizational records needs to be stored in a planned and coordinated way because records support decision-making, provide evidence of policies and assist in proper accountability in the organization. The aim of the study was to identify the types of records generated at Mityana Lands Office, to examine the records storage and retrieval system used, to find out the challenges faced by the clients and the records staff in the storage and retrieval systems of records, to suggest solutions to the challenges faced in the storage and retrieval of records at Mityana Lands Office A sample size of five respondents was selected using purposive sampling technique, the researcher consulted the Senior Records officer, office staff and the secretary. It was qualitative in nature and data was collected using the interview and observation method. Data was analyzed qualitatively. The major findings of the study were that, the records storage and retrieval systems in the Mityana Lands Office were manual and it was characterized by inadequate records storage equipment and space, lack of a disaster management plan, poorly trained records management personnel thus leading to the delays in service delivery. Interviews and observation list methods were used in data collection. The study also employed a qualitative research paradigm. The study recommends that:Mityana Lands Office has to computerize its records, which can make records retrieval and storage easy and also it improves on the security system of records such as using passwords in protecting records and also building an offsite records storage space in order to reduce on the small space in the registry. The study concluded that, in order for records to be effectively stored and retrieved in the Mityana Lands Office, records must be managed by well-trained staff, automated to create space and properly stored to enable easy retrieval and access.
Level: under-graduate
Type: dissertations
Year: 2020
Institution: makerere university
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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