the performance of the village health teams in management of childhood illness in karamoja pastoral communities: a case study of moroto district.


The study was about establishing factors that influence the performance of Village Health Teams in Moroto in the management of childhood illness in the current project of Integrate Community Case Management (ICCM). The main objective was to assess Village Health Teams‟ performance in the management of childhood illness in Karamoja, and suggest recommendation for gaps identified. Specific Objectives of the study were to assess the influence of training of VHTs in management of childhood illness; to analyse the effect of supervision of VHTs in management of childhood illness; and to assess the influence of facilitation / motivation of VHTs in the management of childhood illness in Moroto district. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in the current Moroto and Napak districts. Ten Sub-Counties were sampled and a total of 121 respondents were sampled. These included the 54 respondents for the questionnaires, 12 key informants 15 caretakers and 40 persons in four focus group discussions. Data was analysed using the SPSS computer data analysis application. Key findings: The study revealed that communities appreciated the services of the VHTs; however, poor motivation, inadequate supervision from health workers and low literacy levels among the VHTs influence their performance in the management of childhood illness. Conclusion: The study concluded that the VHT‟s services in the villages are very important and appreciated by the community. VHT performance can be boosted if the incentive / transport allowance is increased; adequate supervision and coaching is provided and constant drug supply is ensured.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2012


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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