performance of village health teams, a case study of soroti district vhts


This study was about establishing the factors that influence the performance of Village Health Teams in Soroti District. The main objective of the study was to establish factors that influence the performance of the Village Health Teams in Soroti and to suggest measures that can be used to address these factors. The specific objectives of the study were: To examine the current motivational factors for the VHTs in Soroti District, to assess the current educational levels of VHTs in the District, to assess the current levels of skills and knowledge among VHTs in the District, to assess the level of training of VHTs and to assess the level of support supervision and mentoring of VHTs by the District and sub county health officials and also assess the level of performance of VHTs in Soroti District. Methodology: This was a cross sectional survey carried out in the District of Soroti covering the seven sub counties and the study sample population size was 175. Results: The study findings revealed that lack of motivation (provision of incentives), inadequate support supervision and lack of transport were identified as the key factors influencing the performance of VHTs in Soroti District. Conclusion: The study concluded that lack of motivation; support supervision and mentoring and inadequate transport have a significant influence on the performance of the VHTs in Soroti District. Recommendation: The study recommends implementation of a sustainable motivation mechanism, provision of regular support supervision and mentoring and provision of transport to VHTs as among the important measures that should be put in place to improve on their performance and consequently contribute to improvement of the health services delivery in Soroti District by the VHTs. And also further studies should be conducted on community’s attitudes and perceptions.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2011


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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