factors influencing the performance of village health teams (vhts) in health promotion, a case study of makindye division


The study focused on examining the various factors that directly and indirectly influence the performance of VHT activities. The study was based on a scientific fact that incentives, availability of supplies and support supervisions have significant impact on the quality of health services offered by VHTs. Substantively the study has revealed positive results, that incentives influence the performance of VHTs in terms of motivation and retention. Secondly the study has shown that lack of sufficient supplies has negatively affected the performance of service delivery in terms of availability and accessibility. Thirdly, the study has revealed there is a dire need to adopt an effective supervisory mechanism for technical development and for the sustainability of VHT activities in the area. The study was conducted in Makindye division in Central Uganda In order to capture comprehensive results, the researcher adopted a cross sectional descriptive methods; the researcher employed a questionnaire with both open ended and closed ended questionnaires to gather data. Also, the researcher acquired an interview guide to gather qualitative data. In need to test for the relationship between the independent variables that is incentives, supplies and support supervision, the researcher ran chi square test and established that there was a significant relationship between variables that is the presence of incentives, supplies and support supervision on VHTs performance and in their absence, it leads to high attrition rate and poor health outcome. In conclusion, the researcher argued that for quality service delivery by VHTs in health promotion, there is a great need to improve on the availability of incentives, supplies and support supervision; it is only by sincere involvement of community members that health quality in the area can be realized. Therefore, the researcher recommended for horizontal form of management to ensure continuity and sustainability of VHT activities.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2011


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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