a report on field attachment /internship at case hospital kampala from october 2021 to december 2021


This internship report focuses on the training undertaken by the intern for a period of 8 weeks. It takes into consideration the name, address, mission, vision, culture and operation of the host institution. The report further gives an insight into the intern’s experiences that is duties and responsibilities, supervision levels, training and skills acquired, working relationship among staff and reporting procedure. It further evaluates the field attachment, that is the level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities, new knowledge and skills gained, most interesting experience, relatedness of the field attachment with programs taught at the University, challenges faced like language barrier among different patients, angry patients etc and how they were managed and benefits derived from field attachment. It ends with the conclusion which states the importance of internship and the recommendations to both the University and host institution that is general implementation of the retention schedule and extension of the training period respectively.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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