a report on field attachment / internship at directorate of human resources, makerere university field attachment period (9th sept – 9th nov 2021)


The internship report in broad-spectrum contains four chapters in which I explain my two-month internship. The content in all chapters is broadly explained and constructed from the practical basis carried out at the Directorate of Human Resources, Makerere University. In the opening chapter (Chapter one), I give details of the the Directorate of Human Resources Profile, including its background, Mission, Vision, Strategic objectives and the Core values. In this chapter, I put emphasis on the historical background of the the Directorate of Human Resources, Makerere University. The Second Chapter is the most hunted chapter which explains the student‟s experience during the two months. This is the main Chapter where I record the overall work I‟ve been executing. It gives a highlight of what I‟ve been doing in the Directorate of Human Resources, Makerere University. The third chapter which explains the evaluation on the field attachment, the challenges faced and how they were managed. This chapter, figure out some of the most interesting experiences and the benefits derived from the field attachment. The final and fourth chapter is about Conclusions and recommendations. And I have included my conclusions and recommendations and also advised other students for future Internship / Field Attachment.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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